EFC Pretoria was established in 2007 during a student accommodation development project at the University of Pretoria. A Pastor from Moreleta Park Church ministered to all the employers and employees at the building site on a weekly basis. Approximately 1000 employees were part of these sessions and most of them accepted Jesus as Saviour before the completion of the project two years later. After the completion of the project it was realised that there was indeed a tremendous need for a workplace ministry due to the fact that employers and employees spend so much time at their workplaces.
EFC came into being as a workplace ministry answering the need of thousands of employees looking not only for job satisfaction and good relationships amongst employers and employees but also for assistance on how to deal with the numerous pressures from their work life, family life, community life and spiritual life.
EFC is managed by 4 directors i.e. André Wiese, Michael Burger, Sanra Burger and Hein du Plessis.
André Wiese also acts as project manager and is responsible for the day-to-day activities of the different branches of the company. Michael Burger acts as vision bearer of the company and provides valuable guidance on management issues. The company employs full-time Spiritual Workers responsible for the training and ministry at all our clients.