Testimonies from employees
“Personally it has helped me to understand that work is a blessing and not a curse. As well you have to be grateful with the work that you have. I do share with family members and friends on same topics discussed. In my workplace, it made it easy for me to communicate with my team, control my anger, reduce my voice, apologise when I’m wrong or misunderstood. My family, I can now listen, be helpful and know the time of coming home, separate friendship and family. Community, it helped me to show more respect for others.”
“This ministry really changed my life. I really accepted Jesus as my Saviour because many things changed in my personal life. I can even see changes in my family because those who were not working are employed. Even at working place you can see people are changing in attitudes because the Bible sessions can teach us something. Jesus is working.”
“This ministry helps us to unite as family and as workmates, they teach us to understand that the Lord Jesus is the only one who can help us in anything that we need in our life and we have to pray to Him.”
“In my life this ministry has added value to my life. I’ve learned more about love, that we should love one another and pursue righteousness at workplace.”
Testimonies from employers
“Mense geniet die temas. Dit is lekker prakties en outjies geniet die praktiese goed. Diefstal het afgeneem. Gesindheid teenoor besigheid baie meer positief en as gesindhied goed is, is produksie beter. Twee outjies het al hulle harte vir die Here gegee, wat pragtig is. Houding teenoor werk en teenoor mekaar is vir my baie positief. Voordat EFC begin het, het ek ook geopen in die oggend, maar dan kom dit net van my kant af en partykeer doen jy goed wat vir jou eenvoudig klink, maar bo hulle vuurmaakplek is en Joseph bring dit bietjie na hulle vlak ook, en dit is nice. Hy praat Sotho nou en dan en bietjie Engels tussen in, so hy meng hom lekker. Dit is goed wat vir my uitstaan.”
Become a testimony in your workplace!